[Near, far, wherever you are]

Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


The Internet of Friends

Leith Benkhedda

The Internet of Friends is a film exploring online identity and community formation through a collection of short stories, testimonies, and autofictions.

About the artist:
Leïth Benkhedda is a designer, researcher, service provider, and information age hunter-gatherer based between. He is 1/4 of Black Swan, a Berlin-based collective pursuing horizontal and decentralized approaches to the traditional artworld templates for art-making, and 1/4 of New Models, a media platform and community addressing the emergent effects of networked technology on culture.

  • The Internet of Friends: Leith Benkhedda
  • Leith Benkhedda's Instagram
    • Written in collaboration with:
    • Abbey Pusz, Buddy Moench, E.G. Cain, Holly Lefever, Jak Ritger, Margo Bergamini and Nate Sloan. Soundscape produced by Emir Timur Tokdemir.