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Super Gairdín

Cóilín O'Connell and Michelle Doylen

Super Gairdín is a new video work by artists Cóilín O’Connell and Michelle Doyle about divine spirits, landscape, language and nature. Taking cues from the folk horror tradition, the film is set in a desolate garden centre, a space where landscape is held indefinitely. A figure wanders the aisles of saplings, chancing upon a long forgotten rock deity; the Cailleach. The Cailleach is capable of great forces, summoning nature at will and throwing rocks from her apron. She views mankind with hatred and will soon enact her revenge.

About the artist:
Cóilín O’Connell is a visual artist from Dublin. His interdisciplinary practice has seen him adopt the methods of archivists, hoarders, archaeologists, pamphleteers and bootleggers to explore knowledge production and narrative building. He uses image making, field work, research and writing as the basis for making works in video, installation, print and publication.

Michelle Doyle is an artist and musician based in Ireland, working through sound, performance, set design and moving image. Her work is concerned with subculture, politics, technology, freedom and communities.

  • Super Gairdín: Cóilín O'Connell and Michelle Doyle
  • Cóilín O'Connell 's Website
    • Artist's note:
    • Special thanks to Sarah Simpson.

    • Film is in Irish/English, with English subtitles, additional English CC available on request.

    • Voice of an Cailleach:
    • Eimear Keating

    • The Man:
    • John Barrett

    • Tour Guide:
    • Sean Fitzgerald

    • Text edited by
    • Eva Richardson McCrea

    • Irish Translation:
    • Ross Coleman

    • Lettering, Graphic Design
    • Emma Conway

    • Soundtrack
    • Jennifer Moore

    • Performer, arranger and producer of ‘The Greenwood Sidee’
    • Diarmuid MacDiarmada