[Near, far, wherever you are]

Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Still Here

Anna Tamm

The film drifts through a dystopian landscape where past and present breathe in sync, showing a stretch in time induced by a traumatic memory.

About the artist:
Anna Tamm (b.1994) is a multimedia artist from Estonia, based in Amsterdam, NL. In their work they explore the overlap of collective memory, fact and fiction, using the tools of video, ceramics and installation. They graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2022 and are currently studying at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, NL.

  • Still Here: Anna Tamm Still Here: Anna Tamm
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  • Anna Tamm's Instagram
    • Producer:
    • Tungsten Studio

    • Executive Producer:
    • Omri Bigetz

    • Director of Photography:
    • Ray van der Bas

    • Gaffer, Focus Pull:
    • Ward Trommelen

    • Production Design:
    • Anna Tamm

    • Set Dressers:
    • Luca Heydt, Surim Kim, Anna Tamm

    • Set Assistants:
    • Alex Harris, Marie Diamant