[Near, far, wherever you are]

Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Southern Bypass: 5.49 - 6am

christopher tym

Southern Bypass is a road at the south of Nairobi in Kenya that leads into the heart of the city; This single take shot was filmed at 5.49am to 6am heading into the direction of the sunrise. The motorbike rider is a boda boda, a motorcycle taxi service. Where they came from and where they are going is incidental to their state of being; they are still and the world around them moves. The Soundtrack is by Jospeh Kamaru aka KMRU, a Nairobi ambient musician and field recording artist based in Berlin.

About the artists:
christopher tym creates interrogative spaces in moving image to explore how bodies can connect with each other in relation to their frame/s of reference. Through spaces of mediated proximity disem'bodies' are able to bend time and find solace - "i miss you, are you there? yes, let go."