[Near, far, wherever you are]

Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Offline now, be back soon!


Room Tone

Bob Demper

A short meditation on interpersonal synchronization.

About the artist:
In his work Bob Demper creates stories, images and spaces that often find their place on a fringe: between dreams and waking, physical and mental space, façade and interior, personal memory and symbolism. This is the result of a constant interaction between personal stories, extensive research and references to the medium cinema. Recurring is a strong interest in the concept of (financial) power, a term that seems to become more elusive with each attempt at understanding or defining it.