Home Cinema is happy to announce its first open call for moving image works: Unreliable Narrators. Our first event, Home Cinema: Unreliable Narrators, will be a 72 hour streaming marathon between the 14th and the 16th of January 2022. Parallel to our online program, there will be a screening event in Amsterdam (location TBC).
Last year's global crisis (still ongoing) marked an exponential growth in relation to how we witness our lives through the screen. The ever changing reality we are experiencing, digestible only day by day, has brought to the foreground our chaotic memory as the only (unreliable) narrator we can trust. We are interested in works that explore the notion of subjective truths and their fragmented qualities. The speed in which we have documented our surroundings during last year's crisis has left us with a residue of poor images, low-quality documentation and an urgent necessity of communicating our indexical presence to the world.
We welcome video works with no restriction of format, length or language. Home Cinema will provide a small screening fee of 50 eur. to the selected works. Please submit your works via this form before 23.59 h. 15th of December 2021.
Contact us with any questions to hellohomecinema@gmail.com
Near, far, wherever you are, Home Cinema
15 December 2021
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie