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Meditation On A Landscape

Thomas Vancoppenolle

Meditation On A Landscape is a video work that reflects on the inherent qualities of a landscape, and how they interact with us in different emotional ways as we move through and past them. Inspired by a personal journey across several borders, along rivers and mountains, in search of a sense of tranquility and a clearer view of self, the work came together as a fluid organism made of sound and image. An organism consisting of short natural impressions, constantly transforming themselves into something new, somewhere between abstraction and figuration. A work about holding on and letting go.

About the artist:
My work explores the notion of a space or place and the way in which we perceive and experience emotional qualities of a lanscape on a personal level. How atmospheres of any place we visit, always differ. Through the collection and connection of fragmented and obscured images of landscapes, writings, sounds or sculptural works, I try to bring a sense of life or active element into an otherwise static experience. How can a work breathe, feel as if it's happening right here and now? Can it still have a vivid and felt connection to us, speaking mainly through its forms?

  • Meditation On A Landscape: Thomas Vancoppenolle Meditation On A Landscape: Thomas Vancoppenolle Meditation On A Landscape: Thomas Vancoppenolle Meditation On A Landscape: Thomas Vancoppenolle
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  • Thomas Vancoppenolle's Website
    • Artist's note:
    • This work is a continuous and looping video, and has no real end. Thus there are no credits, spoken words or any subtitling.