Losing My Religion is a collaboration project between BITSRAY and PHRAME, the Dutch electronic-pop band. This is a music video for PHRAME'S cover- Losing My Religion, initially written by R.E.M. By making this music video, Losing My Religion, the director aimed to use the alien angle, the mobility device she makes for her backpack, to explore the relationship between her birthplace and herself- love, distancing, dazed, dread, and concealment. BITSRAY seeks a form that she could be free to respond to create a visual dialogue with the preset monitoring system.
About the artist:
Biyi Zhu is a Chinese-born, Amsterdam-based filmmaker, visual investigator and interdisciplinary designer. As BITSRAY, her research methods are based on a performative camera device that engages with bodies and objects travelling in place and space. In her artistic practice, she’s always interested in movement, identity and the relationship between the individual’s state and changes in a political environment. She seeks to establish a visual way of thinking to connect with her political and metaphorical thoughts.