Tina Bastajian & Anne van Es
Carefully extracted film noir inspired imagery is juxtaposed with appropriated sound tracks, iconic sound scores and sparse dialogues, which suggest suspense, flirtation, deception and disappearance. Ellipsis alludes to several narratives and is a pastiche on the noir genre, which turns around the tropes of a central male hero and the never-ending search for the elusive woman. The elliptical form resists the possibility of cohesion and muses; is she just part of their dream, or is it her fantasy?
About the artist: Tina Bastajian is a Los Angeles born, Amsterdam based media artist, researcher, essayist, and educator. Her work uses experimental approaches to documentary forms to explore themes of memory, displacement, palimpsest, and the contours of voice and translation. These impulses also coalesce with her artistic research into moving image heritage and (counter) archival constellations and dramaturgies which include, location aware storytelling, found-footage, essayistic film and writing practices. Tina currently teaches documentary film studies at Amsterdam University College (AUC), and is the thesis and research tutor for the program MOVING IMAGE at ArtEZ AKI Academy of Art and Design. She has also taught and given workshops at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK), the Dutch Art Institute (DAI), UvA, and Piet Zwart Institute. She is the author of several publications.