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Deeply Madly

Helen Anna Flanagan
2022, 27:44’

Burdened by an irrational fear of being pushed onto the metro tracks, a woman muses on what it is to fall. To fall flat, heavily in love, deep into sleep, or into a holiday pool that time on a faraway Greek Island at 2am. Waves keep crashing, summoning Deeply, Madly as an obsession with moments of being mid-motion — bodies, emotions and time that all succumb to gravitational forces — from the lovesick, to the slapstick, to the macabre.

About the artists:
Helen Anna Flanagan (1988, United Kingdom) is a visual artist and filmmaker. Flanagan was a resident at HISK, Gent from 2019-20 and is a graduate of Falmouth University of Arts (UK) and AKV St Joost (NL). A selection of solo exhibitions includes CENTRALE | lab, Brussels; IKOB Museum of Contemporary Art, Eupen; V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam; bb15, Linz; galerie Gallery, Rotterdam and Wallgallery, Rotterdam. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions including most recently Aspex, Portsmouth; Museum M, Leuven; Focal Point Gallery, Southend; WIELS, Brussels; Kunsthal Gent; IMAI, Düsseldorf; M HKA, Antwerp; MOMA Odessa, among others. Her films have been presented at a number of festivals including Sharjah Film Platform (AE), Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival (IT), Proyector Plataforma de Videoarte (SP), Go Short International Film Festival (NL), November Film Festival (UK), Film and Video Poetry Symposium (USA), Plymouth Contemporary (UK), The Room Projects (FR), among others. Her work won the IKOB Feminist Art Prize (2019), the VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize (2020) and the second prize of Art Contest Brussels (2021). Upcoming solo exhibitions include Atelier Arthur Rogiers, Brussels (2022), Ballon Rouge Gallery, Brussels (2023) and Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb (2023).

Filmography: Deeply Madly (2022), And then she said... (2021), X-Y (2020), Sunday (2020), Gestures of Matter (2020), Blood Sisters (2019), Gestures of Anatomy (2019), Gestures of Collapse (2019), Blood Sweat Tears (2018), Swamps & Ponds (2018), The Dynamists (2016), Friday (2016), The Split or a Yawning (2016)

  • Deeply Madly: Helen Anna Flanagan Deeply Madly: Helen Anna Flanagan Deeply Madly: Helen Anna Flanagan Deeply Madly: Helen Anna Flanagan
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  • Helen's website
    • Writer, director, editor, camera:
    • Helen Anna Flanagan

    • Cast:
    • Loveday Smith, Tijn de Bok, Gavin Dalusung, Pascal Deelstra, Emile Jansen, Sieber Marly, Simone Nuissl, Louise O’Meara, Janneke van der Putten, Bertan Topbac

    • Directors of photography:
    • Nastasja Saerens, Julien ThiĂ©baut

    • Camera:
    • Nastaja Saerens Julien ThiĂ©baut, Helen Anna Flanagan

    • Sound recording:
    • Vitalij Kuzkin

    • Post-production sound:
    • Sebastian Pappalardo

    • Assistant:
    • Isa de Grood

    • Music:
    • Moody Alien, Lesbian Horse

    • Graphic design:
    • Thorben Jager

    • Supported by
    • De Korte Verbeelding with Netherlands Film Fonds and CENTRALE