Maïa Taïeb
Ava is a child with a limitless imagination. She is a city kid who loves to play in her bedroom and letting herself get carried by her vivid dreams. Sometimes her dreamy fantasies find a way out of her porous bedroom walls and she finds herself riding on her mini motorcycle on infinite highway tunnels. Sometimes, reality finds its way into her bedroom bringing her into dangerous situations.
About the artist:
My work aims for an equilibrium of different mediums and what they permit me. Using cinematic storytelling, I touch upon topics relating to my condition and identity in society. Through sculpture and installations, I explore my materialistic obsessions and imaginary fantasies. I like to address urgent topics with a playful use of various mediums. Using playfulness as a tool for political gestures, my work counteracts violence whilst acting in resistance. I like to think of my practice as a living being, growing with my experiences, both ‘expressing' and 'telling me' about who and where I am.
Maïa Taïeb
Lou Elie dit Cosaque
Rémy Guerra, clothes from Gardouche
Elia Taïeb
Mostafa Heravi
Abel Andel
Surim Kim
Maya Tricoire, Astrid Armagh, Logan Muamba, Paula Megija Karklina
Clara Rojas (glass), Iiris Riihimaki and Mariana Charrua (wooden curtains)
Tungsten Studio
Shai Dakauter, Mihali Pavlopoulos